Eggs: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Eggs: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

2 minute read time

Ask the average person in the supermarket about the shopping list in their hand and they’ll probably tell you they’ve got ‘eggs’ on there.

They are one of the most popular items around, but the unfortunate truth for some of us is that they are simply inedible.

Whether it’s due to an intolerance or an allergy, the consumption of either egg whites, egg yolks or both can lead to adverse reactions like respiratory difficulties, digestive problems and even neurological issues like depression and anxiety.

Whilst the symptoms of an allergy are much more apparent and quicker to appear, those of an intolerance are such that some people might not even be aware of the cause.

Let’s look at some of the common questions about eggs and the truth about living with an intolerance to them.

Are eggs unhealthy?

Eggs aren’t considered to be an unhealthy food when they are eaten in moderation. They have several health benefits if you’re not intolerant to them. They’re a great source of protein and they contain vitamins A, B, B-12 and D to contribute to a healthy diet.

The fact that they are healthy and packed with vitamins shouldn’t be the slightest cause for concern for those who are intolerant to them. There are plenty of egg alternatives available that will help you achieve your recommended intake of such things (oily fish, for instance, will give you plenty of the protein and fats you would ordinarily get from eggs).

Can you eat too many eggs?

It’s a remarkably common belief that eating too many eggs is bad for you, but this isn’t true. They do contain cholesterol, which is the root of the myth, but it’s HDL cholesterol, which is the good cholesterol that is linked to a risk reduction for the likes of heart disease.

There is no scientifically defined limit on how many eggs you can healthily eat in one day, but as with every type of food, we recommend that you eat them in moderation as part of a balanced diet and active lifestyle.

What are the symptoms of an egg intolerance?

The only people who can eat too many eggs are those who are intolerant or allergic to them. This means that when they consume either the white, the yolk or both, they can experience a range of physical and psychological symptoms to varying degrees of severity.

An egg intolerance can take up to 72 hours to surface and the signs can include bloating, stomach aches, lethargy, joint swelling, depression, anxiety, itchiness and rashes.

Since the symptoms take so long to appear, it can be difficult to identify the root cause as eggs – and this is especially true with such a ubiquitous ingredient.

Thankfully, it is possible to pinpoint the culprit and eradicate the symptoms altogether.


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